DigitalYOu Training of Trainers implemented in Ljubljana

The “DigitalYOu – Engage” Training for Trainers was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 17th to the 23rd of April 2023. The event gathered youth workers, educators, and facilitators from all around Europe to enable them to get introduced to advanced e-learning and online tools, skills, and knowledge that will help them increase the efficiency, productivity, and digital presence of their organizations and transfer their existing knowledge for use in a digital environment. By participating in this training participants also gained insight into the innovative I-go Digital training courses and web tool Engage which are parts of the DigitalYOu platform that is being designed to support the process of digital transformation of youth organization’s work.

Stay tuned and follow the next steps of our journey within the DigitalYOu project in order to find out how your organization can also benefit from it.

The project DYOu is co-funded by the European Union.


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