Entrepreneurship Department

The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. – Mark Zuckerberg

The Entrepreneurship Department of BACKSLASH works on projects and activities related to these topics:

  • Youth Entrepreneurship
  • Career Orientation
  • Mentoring
  • Active youth participation

During these years, we developed methodologies to promote entrepreneurship among youth and in collectives at risk of exclusion. Our collaboration with public authorities ensures the reach of our projects and the implementation of the materials created.

To promote the economic growth of the Region, we have cooperation agreements with the University of Valencia in order to mentor their students through internships in the organization. Furthermore, BACKSLASH is an accredited hosting organization for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ EU Programme, where we help new entrepreneurs plan and grow their businesses through mentoring.

As entrepreneurship is not only economic growth, we also promote the active participation of youth as a process of empowerment, expression and inclusion in the society.

The department has also a lot of experience in the use of ICT tools applied to entrepreneurship, creating online learning courses (VOCCESS learning course) and coordinating the creation of mobile applications (VOCCESS Mobile App)

ProgrammeName Of The Project Reference
Erasmus+ KA205Mentor Up2020-2-ES02-KA205-015305
Erasmus+ KA105Youth employment through self-awareness2020-2-ES02-KA105-015558
Erasmus+ KA205Supporting Youth Development with Tennisand Career Oriented Approach2019-2-TR01-KA205-078810
Erasmus+ KA105Echoes of youth2019-2-IT03-KA105-016603
Erasmus+ KA205In Touch – Promotion of Entrepreneurshipamong people with disabilities2019-1-UK01-KA205-061330
Erasmus+ KA105E4C (Entrepreneurship 4 Change)2019-1-MT01-KA105-051104
Erasmus+ KA205TRY2 – Televised Youth Revolution2018-3-PL01-KA205-061207
Erasmus+ KA2Eastern PartnershipDream, Believe, Achieve –Entrepreneurial guidance for youth602259-EPP-1-2018-1-AMvEPPKA2-CBY-EP-PE
Erasmus+ KA205VOCCESS Online (Vocational Success)2018-2-ES02-KA205-011531
Erasmus+ KA105Empowering Youth for Entrepreneurshipunder Social Inclusion Perspective2017-3-PT02-KA105-004712
Erasmus+ KA105Empowering Youth for Entrepreneurshipunder Social Inclusion Perspective2017-3-PT02-KA105-004711
Erasmus+ KA105NET - WORK – NETWORKING with Non-formalEducation Targeting WORK2017-3-MT01-KA105-038338
Erasmus+ KA205SENTYR (Self-Awareness and Entrepreneurshipof Youth at Risk)2017-2-BG01-KA205-036500
Erasmus+ KA105Improve Yourself2017-2-CY02-KA105-001059
Erasmus+ KA105EnhancIng socIal entrepreneurshIp skIlls bynon-formaleducatIon FOR SUSTAINABLE network In EU2016-3-TR01-KA105-036842
Erasmus+ KA105Youth Inclusive Entrepreneurship Exchange2016-3-PT02-KA105-003750

Projects of this department