Entrepreneurship Training For NEETs

Programme - Erasmus+ KA2

Reference : 2022-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000086541

Project Dates: 31/12/2022-31/12/2024

The Entrepreneurship training for NEETs (ETFN) project aims to promote the social and economic integration of young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) through the development of entrepreneurial skills and the improvement of their employability. The project aims to create a comprehensive support system that enables young people to identify their potential, increase their self-esteem and acquire key competences to start businesses or access the labour market. This innovative approach combines non-formal learning methods with personalised techniques to address the diverse needs of this heterogeneous group.

The project incorporates online training modules designed to foster self-awareness and entrepreneurship. In addition, a ‘serious game’ is developed that will allow participants to simulate the creation and management of a business, along with a guide to new professions that will prepare them for the demands of an ever-changing labour market.

Activities included training for youth workers and dissemination events that brought together organisations, educators and policy makers from different European countries. Aiming for an increase in the confidence and skills of NEETs, as well as greater collaboration between stakeholders to create effective solutions to facilitate their social and economic inclusion.


FAJUB - Federação das Associações Juvenis de Braga

Atelier des Parcours Fthia in action

