The ON-OFF project aims to prevent online gender based violence among young people by promoting real behavioral changes and raising awareness of the impact this type of violence has on their lives.
The project developed a pedagogical model to prevent stereotypes and online gender based violence, along with an online platform featuring workshops with 8 key modules designed for youth workers. These tools enable youth professionals to address this issue with the young people they work with, fostering empathy and respect.
During the project, in collaboration with the Mancomunitat Horta Sud and its equality professionals, workshops were conducted in schools and youth centers to test the pedagogical model with more than 400 young people. This process not only introduced the methodology but also adapted it to better meet the needs of young people, making it more practical and effective.
Another key aspect of the project was dissemination and advocacy, culminating in an event organised by Backslash in Valencia to present the main findings. This event was attended by over 60 youth workers, representatives from local and regional associations, and public officials.