Social Rights Department

“A right delayed is a right denied.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Social Rights Department of BACKSLASH works on projects and activities related to these topics:

  • Social Inclusion, creating and publishing methodologies to facilitate the inclusion of collectives at risk of exclusion and their employability.
  • Gender Equality, through training sessions, interventions in high schools, conducting research and the development of methodologies.
  • European Citizenship, building networks of towns and spreading the work of the European Institutions.
  • Youth and Children’s Rights, developing a Child Protection Policy and through intervention in schools against hate speech and bullying.
  • Youth and Children’s participation and empowerment, promoting their access to participation through training and non-formal methods.
  • Digital Rights, giving workshops on how NGOs can comply with the GDPR regulations.
  • Migrants and Refugees, raising awareness and through training sessions.

The department, since 2015, has participated in projects under the EU Programmes REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship), Erasmus+ and Europe for Citizens:

ProgrammeName of the projectReference
Erasmus+ KA205Gaming as social skills learning tool2020-1-NO02-KA205-001640
REC (Rights, Equalityand Citizenship)ON-OFF - Switch ON your mind, switchOFF gender-based violence online615647-CITIZ-1-2019-2-BE-CITIZ-NT
Europe for Citizens Programme Sub-action Networks of TownsEuropean Living Library for Young Generations2019-3-IT03-KA205-017597
Erasmus+ KA205The DNA of Tolerance400608701
Erasmus+ KA2 WesternBalkansExchange It: Towards reconciliation and cooperation2019-1-UK01-KA205-061330
Erasmus+ KA205In Touch – Promotion of Entrepreneurshipamong people with disabilities2019-3-IT03-KA105-017489
Erasmus+ KA105Smart Steps for Conflict Resolution2019-3-HR01-KA105-077054
Erasmus+ KA105Learn from past, build the future2019-1-TR01-KA105-064717
Erasmus+ KA105Protecting Children’s Rights2019-1-TR01-KA105-064717
Erasmus+ KA347Model European Union Athens 20192019-1-EL02-KA347-004890
Erasmus+ KA105EU Future. Maybe?2019-1-DE04-KA105-017674
Erasmus+ KA105Say NO to Hate Speech2018-3-SE02-KA105-002379
Erasmus+ KA205Televised Youth Revolution II2018-3-PL01-KA205-061207
Erasmus+ KA105Developing by Sharing2018-3-CY02-KA105-001378
Erasmus+ KA105Social Inclusion of Refugees2018-1-TR01-KA105-057779
Erasmus+ KA105Protecting youth against hate speech and radicalization2018-1-SI02-KA105-014520
Erasmus+ KA105Empowering Youth for Entrepreneurship underSocial Inclusion Perspective2017-3-PT02-KA105-004712

Projects of this department